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Wijdan Eltijani Abbas


The comprehensive policies that seek to make behavioral changes in the dietary patterns of Arab families can lead to transformation of food systems Accordingly, future food crises may be managed in a manner that maintains both human health and environment the paper aims to highlight how transformation of Arab family’s food systems may assist in encountering the expected future food crises, according to the United Nations report “The State of food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021”. Moreover, it shows the negative impacts of Russia-Ukraine war that can lead to a global wheat crisis in the near future

The paper analyzes the above report, in terms of food culture of Arab family and its relevant qualitative and quantitative nutrition practices, by focusing on many demographic, economic, and social factors. The various dietary patterns resulting from such practices and factors and how they affect the current state of nutrition and food security are also discussed.  The paper also suggests other alternatives that are primarily associated with reformation of awareness and change of food culture of Arab family. Finally, it offers relevant recommendations for the concerned entities.


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