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Mamdooh Abdelhameed Abdelmottlep


The effective policy for training security leaderships depends on two bases: The first base is associated with: What will we deliver in the system of security leadership training? The second one is relevant to: How will we deliver system of security leadership training? For answering these two questions, we should: (1) identify the training system inputs, (2) realize the target outcomes, and (3) measure the impact in three consecutive processes (identification, achievement, and development).
The analysis of training policies at law enforcement, security, and police agencies, according to international indicators, has proven that the effective policy is based on: (1) defining target training outcomes that include identification of professional standards and required skills, measurement of the skill gap, and implementation of target training activities, (2) building capacities to achieve training objectives that include knowledge bases for professional standards, developing a code for leadership skills, adopting effective standards to define leadership competencies and characteristics, designing an effective training content that meets the contemporary security challenges, and setting training paths for each specialized professional group besides the general leadership training path, and qualifying trainers, (3) governance of training outcomes that include accreditation of training policies and procedures, nomination of partners to implement training operations, selection of training programs and activities according to the leadership level, security competency framework, and professional specialization, and commitment to an approved system for feedback, evaluation and continuous improvement. To ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the training policy for security leaderships, sustainability, competitiveness, assessment, evaluation, and partnership should be maintained.


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Security Policy Analysis
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