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Amar Yaser Elbably


Digital security cooperation between countries contributes‭ ‬significantly to the decline and elimination of organized crime‭, ‬especially‭ ‬terrorist crimes‭, ‬which requires the need for states to interact‭ ‬with each other and increase efforts to encourage and activate‭ ‬such cooperation‭, ‬by creating cooperative means in security issues to‭ ‬prevent and track the perpetrators in the event of a‭ ‬crime using secure networks that allow the transfer of data‭, ‬information and applications between the agencies concerned with the Arab‭ ‬police‭, ‬and the use of secure and rapid technologies that‭ ‬allow the digital exchange of police agencies‭.‬‮ ‬In order to‭ ‬prevent and detect crimes‭, ‬pursue criminal and terrorist schemes in‭ ‬all its forms and anticipate information in order to maintain‭ ‬the national security of Arab countries‭.‬


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Security Policy Analysis
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