About the Security Policy Papers
The Security Policy papers (ISSNe 1658-888x), (ISSNp 1658-8886) are reviewed scientific publications that focus on monitoring and analyzing a specific policy or issue in the security field and provide clear recommendations for decision makers. The Security Policy papers are published in Arabic and English languages and are follow free access policy (CC BY-NC- 4.0)
The Security Policy papers are issued by the Security Research Center at the Vice-Presidency for Scientific Research at Naif Arab University for Security Sciences, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Security Policy Papers Categories:
Security Policy Analysis Papers
The Security Policy Analysis papers are scientific papers that focus on security problems, policies, and issues of concern to both the decision maker and the general public. These papers provide basic information that assist in understanding the issue or problem, and why it should be addressed. Also, these papers highlight the alternatives or options related to policies and provide a clear evaluation of their possible outcomes. Finally, the papers present arguments through scientific and factual evidences that support their recommendations, and defend their option being the best possible option among several others. These papers are published in accordance with the Security Research Center procedures manual.
Security Concepts
Concepts are of central importance in science and represent an indication of its development level. Therefore, the Security Research Center has attached great importance to incorporate the theme of "Security Concepts" in its publications, through which it introduces the most basic and modern concepts in the field of security sciences and those used in security institutions.
Fields of the Security Policy Papers
The publishing of the Security Policy Papers cover security fields in their comprehensive understanding.